End of Days Night Runner Novels Max Turner Books

End of Days Night Runner Novels Max Turner Books
I would give End of Days, by Max Turner, 3.5 stars. In End of Days we find ourselves again following Zack, a teenage vampire and his friend Charlie, another teen-turned vampire, their girlfriends, Luna and Suki, Ophelia, their parental figure, and John Entwistle, the oldest and strongest vampire alive, according to him anyway. This group of vampires is trying to solve the mystery of Mr. Hyde, a supposed lycanthrope, bent on destroying not only vampires, but the entire network of vampire helpers. I really liked this book about halfway into it when the boys reunited with their girlfriends and all of the action really took off. However, I found all of the proselytizing in the first half of the book to be a little cumbersome and confusing.
Tags : Amazon.com: End of Days (Night Runner Novels) (9780312592523): Max Turner: Books,Max Turner,End of Days (Night Runner Novels),St. Martin's Griffin,0312592523,Fantasy - General,Supernatural,Supernatural;Fiction.,Vampires,Vampires;Fiction.,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fantasy & Magic,Fiction,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile Fiction : Monsters,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Monograph Series, any,Monsters,Science fiction (Children's Teenage),TEEN'S FICTION FANTASY,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy Dark Fantasy,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Monsters,Young Adult Fiction,Young Adult FictionMonsters
End of Days Night Runner Novels Max Turner Books Reviews
Reason for Reading Next in the series.
That a sequel to Night Runner was coming out came upon me fairly close to its actual publication. I was thrilled and couldn't wait to read the new book as I had been out of the loop about the sequel being a go! This book is aimed at teenage boys and is *not* a vampire romance like the usual fare out there. Sure girls will love it too, but this is so not a romance!
Everybody is a year older now and getting used to either knowing they are vampire or having just been turned. The Coven is still out to get Zach, and other child vampires, keeping him on the run, though he has been safely holed up for the last year. But with the death of the one who held them together The Coven is fighting within itself making it an unstable organization; the Underground who protect the vampires from society has been breached and detection from that side is now out of control and suppliers find their blood tainted and vampires are dying. But that is not all. An ancient prophecy of the son of a hunter who will either save or destroy the vampire world seems to be coming true as vampires are ripped to shreds by an incredible Beast, that not even the strongest vampire among them can defeat. Zach finds himself in the middle of this chaos, being a child vampire on the run from those who wish him dead and being the son of a hunter whom some think may be the promised Messiah. A select few of the remaining old wise ones remind him to stay on the side of the good, to choose saint over evil. But can he?
It's been just over two years since the first book came out that I don't know if I'm being fair when I say this is even better than Night Runner! While the immediacy of having just read End of Days may make it feel better than the first, it is certainly of equal brilliance. What an incredible vampire story! Turner has created a vampire mythos and world that tends toward the tried and true vampire lore but he hasn't been afraid to inject his own new, fresh vision that creates something very refreshing and exciting. Breathtakingly revitalizing is the absence of a mopey, clingy love story. There is a love relationship, which is important to characterization but is not essential or even necessary to the plot. They are simply two characters who love each other and whom the reader grows fond of as well. All the characters are fascinating from the evil Beast, which has a mystery behind it, to Ophelia their caretaker and on. More background is given on everybody really fleshing out the characters from book one. This is a page-turner, a stay-up all-nighter and a return to the vampire (with an attitude) genre. Best for those who don't like their vampires ala Edward. The book comes to a satisfying conclusion but there are many unanswered questions and dangling threads that can be picked up for another book. Hopefully, the wait will be shorter than two years Mr. Turner!
End of Days by Max Turner was an absolute thrill ride of a book. It is everything a sequel should be - the characters are further developed - but they stay true to form, the pacing and tone are both similar to the first book and the plot continues to develop.
The book begins one year after the conclusion of Night Runner, and Zack and Charlie have been bunking together with Ophelia. Charlie has, understandably, been struggling with his new status as vampire. His old life revolved around the sun, as Zack puts it, he was a water baby in his first life. Now, Charlie has to adjust to life in the night. He, does not however blame Zack for this and he definitely enjoys some of the perks of being a vamp.
Thankfully, Charlie has been fleshed out more in this book and I cannot tell you how happy this makes me. My only real gripe with the Night Runner was that the secondary characters were rather flat. Now, Charlie has a lot more going on mentally, and the character really benefits from it. Not only does he struggle with controlling his inner vamp, but he worries about Suki.
Suki still takes more of a backseat in End of Days, but I have a feeling she will be more relevant in the next book. At the start of the book, Suki and her sister, Luna are living with their parents. The household is in shambles and everyone is having a hard time of it. Suki wants to be a vampire, like her sister, boyfriend (Charlie) and friend (Zack). She feels really out of the loop and goes through a sort of depression. Luna is also extremely lonely, because she is the only vampire in the area. Their parents are also having a hard time coping - their father is desperately trying to find a cure for Luna and has been forcing her to get blood transfusions. He also is adamant about keeping the girls away from Charlie and Zack - especially Zack. He blames him for his struggling daughters and thinks him to be some sort of criminal and all around bad seed.
But, the real fun begins when a new monster comes to town. He is some sort of crazy vampire eating madman and causes some real trouble for our band of heroes. Not only do they have to worry about this monster, who is apparently unbeatable, but they have to worry about the cops and coven as well.
The cops are after Zack because they believe he murdered one of their men and the coven is after all of the teen vamps for being child vampires. However, they are really after Zack because of they believe he is the child from the prophecy. Supposedly, a son of a great vampire hunter will be orphaned. Then the boy will drink blood and will die and be brought back to life. Then, the kid will make a choice - either saving the vampire race or bringing about its destruction. Zack is widely believed to be the child from the prophecy and it puts a giant target on this back.
Once again, there is plenty of action, humor, suspense and a tiny bit of romance (more so than the first book). Zack and Luna's relationship continues to develop and something amazing happens between them. I don't want to spoil it, but it is a pretty awesome, sort of talent-for-two. Once again, Turner writes a humorous book with lots of twists and turns - I often found myself laughing along with the story. If you haven't picked this series up yet, I would suggest you do. I think that fans of The Darkest Powers series by Kelley Armstrong and The Strange Angels Series by Lili St.Crow would really appreciate this book - it has the same sort of adventure plot with teen characters that are sort of rebel outlaws. Anyways, my point is, start reading this series!
Don't know yet. Reading the first novel.
I purchased this for my teenage son. I has enjoyed the book and passed it on. It arrived quickly and in great condition.
I really liked the first book, but this sequel was just okay. For the price it was worth it, I suppose.
totally got here quick, but sadly, i haven't gotten around to reading it yet. i read the first couple chapters, but it just doesn't suck me in like the first novel did. if it's cheap enough, and you can't stand not having a whole series finished like i do, pick it up.
I would give End of Days, by Max Turner, 3.5 stars. In End of Days we find ourselves again following Zack, a teenage vampire and his friend Charlie, another teen-turned vampire, their girlfriends, Luna and Suki, Ophelia, their parental figure, and John Entwistle, the oldest and strongest vampire alive, according to him anyway. This group of vampires is trying to solve the mystery of Mr. Hyde, a supposed lycanthrope, bent on destroying not only vampires, but the entire network of vampire helpers. I really liked this book about halfway into it when the boys reunited with their girlfriends and all of the action really took off. However, I found all of the proselytizing in the first half of the book to be a little cumbersome and confusing.

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