Dark Fire The Carpathians Dark Series Book 6 Christine Feehan 9780505524478 Books

Dark Fire The Carpathians Dark Series Book 6 Christine Feehan 9780505524478 Books
The story of Darius and Temptest is wonderful. I love the depth of the characters and flow of the story. This one I'd different as Darius doesn't want Temptest to change and we see the difficulties this brings. I love Temptest's courage and ability to take care of herself even when she is a trouble magnet and has no sense of direction. I love seeing Darius is a new light with emotions and a sense of humor. Feehan has done it again, writing an incredibly good book. This series just gets better and better!
Tags : Dark Fire (The Carpathians (Dark) Series, Book 6) [Christine Feehan] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Hired on as the mechanic for a traveling troupe of musicians, Tempest, gifted with the ability to communicate with animals,Christine Feehan,Dark Fire (The Carpathians (Dark) Series, Book 6),Love Spell,0505524473,Romance - General,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction Romance General,Romance,Romance - Contemporary,Romance: Modern
Dark Fire The Carpathians Dark Series Book 6 Christine Feehan 9780505524478 Books Reviews
I have not read all the books from The Dark Series and definitely not in order, but the ones that I have read I have loved. But not "Dark Destiny", the book was just too bleak and dready and for the first third of the book there was not that much personal contact between the hero and heroine, other than their "mind thing" Also it was very anti-climatic the scene when he first sees her, after so many years of looking for her, it was really all told from her point of view. That was another thing that I did not like about this book, there was not as much of the point of view of the hero, as in the other books.
There were two reasons I absolutely loved "Dark Magic" the hero's total devotion toward the heroine. And her celebrated beauty. However, in "Dark Destiny" although the heroine at the beginning is described as very beautiful, that is just about it, take an extra adjective or two. The hero is quite devoted to the heroine, but very stingy with his thoughts when considering her physical attributes, the heroine is far more generous with her thoughts about his looks and I hated that. Even Savannah's beauty (from "Dark Magic") was somehow deminished, in this book she is referred to as this "petite woman", with a "small face", nothing of consequence.
But in the end it was the story itself I did not like. It did not have the feel of the other books. To me it felt (AT TIMES) as if it had been written by a different author, it was conboluted, too much going on and it lack the magical, romantic nature that I had come to expect. There were passages that were indeed enthralling, but not enough of them. The one thing I did enjoy reading about was how in love the hero was with the heroine, and how willing he was to go the extra mile for her.
And finally I try to avoid at all cost, reading a story where the heroine is scarred. I thought I was safe with the "Dark Series" since Carpathians heal without scars. Wrong!!! More than half way through the book the reader is informed that the heroine is scarred for life, because she was turned by a vampire, to me this did not advance the plot, and I felt like I had been thrown a curve ball. By the end of the story, the reader can maybe assume that her scars disappeared, when she was healed, but it was too vague for my taste.
Dark Fire was hard for me because I couldn't make up my mine after 4 or 5 re reads weather I like the heroine Tempest Trine/Rusti.I have to keep telling myself that she is very young. Her constant running away from Darius got a bit on my nerves, But at the same time I understood and would have been frighten out of my whits if I encounter a Carpathian believing I was his Lifemate. Every time she ran away trying to get distance between them she got attacked an nearly raped and badly beaten.. She had already been raped by a trusted friend and I don't like rape in any story especially romance stories. They don't add anything to it, even thought this is a paranormal romance. We get enough suspense and thrills in the story with the Vampires or Undead and the Human Hunters looking an attacking women with Physic powers., without adding the rape factor. I was grateful that Christine didn't go into a lot about her rape or Syndil's rape. Syndil was attacked by one of the there group members and trusted family members Savon who turned vampire. All of the characters from Dark Challenge are supporting cast even the Cats Forest and Sasha. Darius of course is handsome strong and powerful Carpathian the younger supposedly death and lost brother of Gregori. Once Rusti and Darius get together the story moves on pretty well. Its just not as good as the first 5 books before in the Dark series. I still Highly Recommend Dark Fire and all of the Dark Series. If you like Christine Feehans books you really should try her GhostWalker series, which is entirely different then The Dark series and it isn't about Ghost, but medically enhanced military men an women. Another Great series by Ms.Feehan. Check it Out
As a child Destiny was converted by a vampire. Since that time her life's mission has been to kill the Nosferatu. In her darkest hour Nicolae comes to her as a voice in her mind. He trains her in the way of Carpathian hunters, orchestrates her battles, and even "accompanies" her in battle through their mind merge. All the while, he is searching for her yet is unaware that she is his lifemate since she has always refused to speak to him because she believes Nicolae to be a vampire who is stalking her.
The backstory of the Vampire Coalition and rebellion against the Prince are elaborated on. Surprisingly, there is also an example of what happens when the male succumbs to the darkness, leaving his lifemate to grow old without him.
We meet Nicolae's brother, Vikirnoff, and Mary Ann Delaney (Manolito's lifemate in Dark Possession) along with cameo appearances by Gregori and Savannah are in this book. The pink and purple-haired sisters, Velda and Inez, add colorful dialogue as well. I wasn't really sold on the creepy doctor-who-hypnotizes-everyone thread as it didn't really "fit" in my opinion.
On the downside, are the MANY typos....even Vladimir is misspelled as "Vlademir" over and OVER again! It is pathetic that so many of Feehan's editions are so poorly edited.
The story of Darius and Temptest is wonderful. I love the depth of the characters and flow of the story. This one I'd different as Darius doesn't want Temptest to change and we see the difficulties this brings. I love Temptest's courage and ability to take care of herself even when she is a trouble magnet and has no sense of direction. I love seeing Darius is a new light with emotions and a sense of humor. Feehan has done it again, writing an incredibly good book. This series just gets better and better!

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